We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs, enthusiastic founders, experienced managers and ambitious professionals who understand how to develop companies in their growth across all stages.
Klaus Weinmann
CEO & Co-Founder
Dr. Benjamin Klein
Chief Financial Officer
Regina Weinmann
Stefan Fritz
Partner & Board Member
Stefan Kober
Co-Founder & Board Member
Raymond Kober
Markus Saller
Director Mergers & Acquisitions
Silvia Kirsch
Senior Manager Mergers & Acquisitions
Julian Plabst
Senior Manager Mergers & Acquisitions
Alexander Kuhn
Manager Mergers & Acquisitions
Martina Dotzler
Senior Manager Operations
Dr. Nadine Hoser
Senior Manager Operations
Fernanda Dohms
Head of Operations
David Seidl
Senior Associate Operations
David Höfer
Associate Operations
Katharina Balzhäuser
Manager Tax
Tobias Morasch
Director Tax
Isabel Braun
Senior Manager Tax
Michael Adrian
Chief Information Security Officer
Hans-Carl Oberdalhoff
Senior Consultant / Cloud Architect
Sebastian von Wrede
Head of Legal & Compliance
Mandy Lambertz
Assistant to the Executive Board
Beate Frenzel
Director Communications
Christina Meyer
Assistant to the Executive Board
Sophia Sonntag
Team Assistant
Our dedicated team as active sparring partner for the portfolio companies
0 +
years of creativity & expertise
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years team spirit & diversity
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companies and brands
0 +
ideas & projects supported

Growing. Together.

PRIMEPULSE is a dynamically growing network with strong brands in promising markets. We offer committed team players exciting prospects and opportunities for further development. Become part of our success story.